"Our greatest happiness does not depend on the condition of life in which chance has placed us, but is always the result of a good conscience, good health, occupation, and freedom in all just pursuits". - Thomas Jefferson

Congratulations Terri Thomas for receiving the Spirit of Collaboration Award from Insightful Visionaries in Raleigh NC tonight. Thanks to Carolyn Marshall Covington and her team for the recognition amongst so many that work with the blind and visually impaired throughout the US. Thanks Marcia Smith Hamilton , childhood friend and Dr. Paula Smith, her big sis for the connection and most of all love ❤️

Many Thanks! to everyone who came out to Celebrate the Vision Resource Center 80 Years of service at our 'NEW LOCATION OPEN HOUSE/RIBBON CUTTING CEREMONY June 12, 2019 at 2736 Cedar Creek Road Fayetteville, NC 28312

The Vision Resource Center Open House June 12, 2019 at 2736 Cedar Creek Road Fayetteville, NC 28312 - VRC New Home!

THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU for all you did to prepare us for our Open House.......
Cumberland County Board of Commissioners, Cumberland County Public Information Office, VRC Board of Directors, United Way of Cumberland County, Cumberland Community Foundation, Inc., Florence Rogers Charitable Trust, Systel, Ramon & Virginia Yarborough, Cape Fear Eye Associates, LC Industries Foundation,
LC Industries, Designing Station, LeeAnn Dorsey, Cumberland County Facilities Team, Tonya Price, MINC Interiors, VRC Movers, Joann Adams, Friendship Missionary Baptist Church (Gary & Patricia Jones), Tina Turner, Monique Little, Activitek Solutions, Inc. (Austin Griffin), Western Harnett Lions Club, Marsha Smith Jones, Alvin Ricks, Victoria Johnson, William Smith, Charles & Judy Luther, Ann Montoya, Bruce Bettis, Dennis Bowen CCCCOA, Irene Bantsolas, Ellenor T. Barker Advised Fund, Richard Fox II, Carolyn Armstrong, Patty Nusbaum, VRC Board & Staff, Harris Teeter, Walmart, Food Lion & PWC
We are still in need of items for our NEW HOME. To find out how you can help please call Terri Thomas at 910-483-2719 or see our VRC-New Home-WishList below:

VRC-New Home-WishList items needed:
6ft Folding Tables
Sturdy Kitchen Table Chairs (8)
Small Bathroom Storage Cabinet (white/navy)
Hands Free Soap & Paper Towel Dispenser for Bathrooms
All Paper Products (toilet tissue, paper towels, utensils, plates
Chair Mats for Carpet (3)
Handy Person "Jack-of-all-Trades" to help with miscellaneous items
Wall Bed (Murphy Wall Bed) Twin Size
Pencil Sharpener
Alcohol Pads
Water Hose Holder
Gym Floor Matting
To find out how you can help please call Terri Thomas at 910-483-2719.

We had another Fantastic!! SUMMER CAMP with the VRC Youth Group 2019. (June 17th to June 21st). Many thanks to all the volunteers that came out to help with summer camp 2019!

Adult time with the VRC Adults at the Barn-"Soul Sistas" in Greensboro, NC 6/22/19

Join us for this UNIQUE “Limited Vision” Experience at the NEW Fayetteville Woodpeckers Segra Stadium 6:00 pm to 10:00 pm. The Vision Resource Center Signature Fundraiser supports the blind & visually- impaired adults and children in our community through their life journey sightless.

*AUCTION ITEMS NEEDED* Individual Tickets - $75.00 Couple Tickets - $125.00
To request a sponsorship packet contact Terri Thomas at 910-483-2719
Available Sponsorship Levels & Benefits
Grand Slam - $5,000.00
(10) tickets to the event
(10) tickets to Woodpeckers baseball game
Video for your business (3-5 minutes)
Logo on all (3) vans for 1 year
Branded frame at photo booth
Logo on event signage
Mention and links on all social media
Name broadcasted on live stream for event
Special gift from the VRC
Name recognition on invitation
VIP last look (additional time to bid on silent auction items)
The VRC website, printed program, all print & radio will feature your name and/or logo
Logo and recognition on monthly blog
Special seating
Home Run - $2,500.00
(8) tickets to the event
(8) tickets to Woodpeckers baseball game
Logo on event signage
Mention and links on all social media
Name broadcasted on live stream for event
Special gift from the VRC
Name recognition on invitation
VIP last look (additional time to bid on silent auction items)
Logo and recognition on monthly blog
Special seating
The VRC website, printed program, all print & radio will feature your name and/or logo
Triple Play - $1,000.00
6) tickets to the event
(6) tickets to Woodpeckers baseball game
The VRC website, printed program, all print & radio will feature your name and/or logo
Name broadcasted on live stream for event
Name recognition on invitation
VIP last look (additional time to bid on silent auction items)
Logo and recognition on monthly blog
Slugger - $500.00
(4) tickets to the event
(4) tickets to Woodpeckers baseball game
Name recognition on invitation
Logo and recognition on monthly blog
Fast Ball - $250.00
2) tickets to the event
(2) tickets to Woodpeckers baseball game
Name recognition on invitation
Logo and recognition on monthly blog
Photo Booth - $1,500.00
Logo and/or name recognition on ‘Frame’
Simulation Glasses - $1,000.00
Logo and/or name recognition on ‘Glasses’
* All Sponsorships must be Paid in Full by August 01, 2019

The VRC could use your help! We always need volunteers, so if you are looking for a way to give back to your community, try the VRC. We invite you to join us and find out just how fulfilling and FUN it is to be a part of this great organization! More about volunteering can be found here: Volunteers Needed

All VRC Youth, Mark Your Calendars! for our 'Annual Youth Surfing Trip' Thursday, August 8th! Call today at 910-483-2719 to RSVP.

A Note From Our Executive Director, Terri Thomas

The summer has started with a fireworks bang....... Open House, Summer Camp, new partnerships...So many blessings! Thanks again Cumberland Community Foundation, Summertime Kids Grant, Youth Growth Stock Trust Fund, FRT, and CF Kiwanis for an AMAZING summer camp!
This month I have sat down with a few new potential "family" members, and my Aha moment was that the VRC needs to educate our community on what being visually impaired is NOT! So many that I visited told me that their families and friends just don't get it. There are so many misconceptions, speaking loudly or slowly is the best form of communicating with a person with visual impairment; they cannot possibly live alone; they are not blind because there is some sight; vision loss is contagious; they have been blind all their lives, etc. When we go vote election officials question if we are a group home; they are astonished sometimes with disbelief that they live alone and care to vote. The VRC has to do more education in our community. Stay Tuned
#VRC #visionresourcecenter #80yearsofservice #growth #giving#education#thanks#communityawareness#morecompassion
Until next time
Much love and MANY blessings,
Terri Thomas
Executive Director
Vision Resource Center
…..Serving the Blind and Visually Impaired
VRC Happenings in July 2019:
July 03: Family Meeting @ 2736 Cedar Creek Road 11:00 am - 1:45 pm
July 04: Happy 4th of July!
July 09: Movies Adults TBD
July 11: Walmart & Lunch @ Fuller's (10:00 am to 1:00 pm)
July 16: Walking Club (9:30 am -10:30 am)
July 18: Ice Cream Social & Games (1:00 pm to 3:00 pm)
July 23: Walking Club (9:30 am - 10:30 am)
July 25: Triangle Rock Climbing (10:00 am - 11:30 am)
July28-Aug 02: Adult Camp Dogwood
Please call James to cancel your ride at 910-476-6684
Watch for more updates! Follow our Facebook page and check out our website at www.visionresourcecentercc.org for more information.
Please comment and share our blog! We love your feedback! #LoveIsBlind