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Thank you to all who assisted with set-up, serving food, overseeing the sign-in table, taking pictures, dancing, and contributed financially to our 14th Rocker-Thon. 115 participants raised a grand total of $1,026 (official and updated as of July 20, 2:40 pm) for the Vision Resource Center of Cumberland County. To date, the Rocker-Thon has now raised $11,483.59 for charitable interests. Rock on y'all and thanks for your support.

August 3rd, 2018, our VRC adults returned home from a week at Camp Dogwood in Sherrills Ford NC (camp for the blind and visually impaired). One of our newcomers brought home the "King Crown" voted by the counselors.

Day 1 - On Monday, August 6th our Youth "Out of Sight" Camp Explosion began with Red Wolf self-defense training camp. Know what to do...know your surroundings...know your exit doors...listen to body is key!

Judy Greg 'Kenzie' (VRC Family Member).... "Thanks so much Terri and everyone involved for giving the kids this experience! Was not too sure at first If Kenzie picked up anything and boy was I wrong! She has been counting steps tonight so she knows how far she is from the exit. She knows to yell fire if someone is harming her. She had so much fun she now wants to join karate for self defense! Thanks again to you and the wonderful sponsors that make this possible! God Bless!"
Day 2 - Bowling Time

Day 3 - "Out of Sight" Camp Explosion - Mall scavenger hunt!
Sherry Glover McCoy ..... "Thank you Terri Thomas for sharing. I am always so ready to see what’s going on next with you and your VRC team. Seeing your posts not only reminds me to be thoughtful of others but also educates me on the world of the blind or those who have vision problems. You definitely are a blessing to many!"

and...... "swim time" at Lake Pine Swim Club

Day 4 - Cooking with Chef Mei. So exciting watching our visually impaired kids and volunteers work together using tactile skills and communication. Then off to the movies to see "Incredibles 2" at Patriot 14 using adaptive technology for our kids.

Day 5 - Surfing day with the OceanCure Foundation at Carolina Beach

Check your calendars! One more week of Summer Camp! The culmination of the "Out of Sight" Camp Explosion will be a drumming recital on Friday, August 17th 2:00-3:00 p.m. at Rockfish Camp and Retreat Center (226 Camp Rockfish Rd, Parkton NC). Light refreshments will be served.
WE appreciate all everyone has done to ensure an awesome 2018 "Out of Sight" Camp Explosion!

MARK YOUR CALENDARS! The 3rd Annual Out of Sight Wing Fling happening August 25th from 3-8 pm at Festival Park in Fayetteville!!!!
How you can be part of this event? visit

The VRC could use your help. We always need volunteers, so if you are looking for a way to give back to your community, try the VRC. We invite you to join us and find out just how fulfilling and FUN it is to be a part of this great organization! More about volunteering can be found here: Volunteers Needed

A Note From Our Executive Director

We have been having a ball at the Out of Sight Camp class, self- defense, swimming, surfing, movies and fun...We thank CCF-Summertime Kids Grant, FRT, Youth Growth Stock Trust and Cape Fear Kiwanis for funding such an awesome experience for our kids with visually impairment.
The volunteers are doing such as AMAZING job as mentors to them. Next week...the Botanical Gardens, swimming, drumming classes, zip line and rock climbing and a recital with our visually impaired adults.
Our adults will have a end of the summer cookout at Lake Pines Swim Club to get ready for an action packed September!!
Then the fun really begins the Vision Resource Center will be at Festival Park hosting the 3rd Annual Out of Sight Wing Fling!
You may be asking " What is the Wing Fling?" Twelve teams composed of families, friends, and coworkers from our community come together to cook up some AWESOME Mountaire Farms chicken wings. Spicy or sweet, fried or grilled- no matter how these teams choose to marinate, smother, and serve 'em up, we know you won't be disappointed! Then you cast your vote for your favorite wings. Two teams will receive $500.00
$10.00 to sample 11 juicy, uniquely prepared and unforgettable chicken wings is a steal
$40.00 VIP ticket was considered the BEST VALUE last year with wing tasting, two beers, access to our VIP covered dining area, prime seating for the entertainment stage, soda, water and southern style sides.
MOST Importantly, all proceeds benefit the work the Vision Resource Center does for blind and visually impaired individuals of our community.
We hope to see you there and make a difference in the lives of the blind and visually impaired!!! $5, $10, $40 or $275 whichever choice you make could help us reach kids ages 0-13 with visual impairments to walk them through their journey of life without vision!!
Terri S. Thomas
Executive Director
Vision Resource Center
…..Serving the Blind and Visually Impaired
Coming Up in August 2018:
Aug 3: Adults return from Camp Dogwood
Aug 6: Youth Summer Camp - Self-Defense Training 9:00-3:00 pm
Aug 7: Youth Summer Camp - Bowling 9:00-3:00 pm
Aug 8: Youth Summer Camp - Mall Scavenger Hunt / Lake Pine Swimming 9:00-3:00 pm
Aug 9: Youth Summer Camp - Cooking with Chef Mei / Movies 9:00-3:00 pm
Aug 10: Youth Summer Camp - OceanCure (Surfing) Carolina Beach 8:00-4:30 pm
Aug 13: Youth Summer Camp 9:00-3:00 pm
Aug 14: Youth Summer Camp 9:00-3:00 pm
Aug 15: Youth Summer Camp at Camp Rockfish 9:00-3:00 pm
Aug 16: Youth Summer Camp at Camp Rockfish 9:00-3:00 pm
Aug 17: Youth Summer Camp at Camp Rockfish 9:00-3:00 pm
Aug 21: Adults Movie TBD.
Aug 22: Family Meeting 11:00-1:00 pm Lake in the Pines
Aug 25: WING FLING (FESTIVAL PARK) 3:00 to 8:00 pm
Aug 27 to Aug 31: VRC CENTER IS CLOSED
Wing Fling: Save the Date: August 25, Festival Park 3:00-8:00 p.m.

Keep watching for more updates! Follow our Facebook page and check out our website at for more information.
Please comment and share our blog! We love your feedback! #LoveIsBlind